Vintage Serie Teil 2
As you may have noticed, it has taken a while for the second part of our "Vintage Series" to arrive. Just in time for the launch of our new website.
The start of a (vintage) watch collection
Did you read our first part and just when things were getting exciting we let you down? Then you've come to the right place.
If, after our abrupt interruption at the end of Part 1, you asked yourself what motivated you to read the article, or why you started collecting watches a long time ago, then you have already taken the first step that we would like to recommend to you.
Because that's what it's all about if you want to start a collection:
Your motivation
Why are you interested in something that seems as completely unnecessary as a mechanical watch? An instrument that - let's be honest - no longer has an obvious place on your wrist in this day and age of pedometers, pulse counters, SMS reminders and Twitter (sorry "X" of course)?
Because one thing is pretty certain: you no longer need a mechanical watch, let alone a vintage watch, in an age when reaching for your mobile phone is quicker than turning your wrist.
The opportunity to make an inconspicuous statement
But perhaps this is precisely what fascinates us so much. Perhaps we want to wear something that seems completely unnecessary. Because wearing a watch says more about us than 10 posts on Facebook and 10 photos on Instagram put together.
By wearing a mechanical watch, we make a statement that goes even further than our clothes or our car. For many, it's the ultimate status symbol.
After all, clothes and cars have a very clearly defined purpose and there are many constraints that come into play when choosing a car or outfit. Be it the financial means, the accident safety of the car, dress codes at work or the environment in general that we want or even have to conform to in some way.
It's different with the watch, where we can be completely relaxed. We have hardly any constraints here. We can use it to visualise our personal preferences.
With a mechanical watch, we send out signals about our interest in sustainability, style and quality awareness.
The vintage watch goes even further. It shows that we care about history, be it design, product or art history or the history of industrialisation. Because all of this is contained in this object. After all, it is one of the oldest, continuously produced technical instruments known to mankind.
Then there is the fact that the automatic clock is a machine that comes very close to a perpetual motion machine. It runs for years without us having to consciously wind it up. The watch gets the energy it needs to tell us the time simply from the movements we make in our daily lives.
In this respect, the smartwatch is actually a huge step backwards, as it relies on external power.
You've noticed (and I'm not trying to hide it): I'm a fan of the mechanical watch!
The collector's species
Collecting was one of mankind's primal instincts back when people collected in order to survive. Today, a fundamental distinction is made between collecting as a hobby and scientific collecting.
A watch collector often does both without realising it.
In our experience, he (or she) usually starts with a rather random object. Either a gift, an heirloom or an impulse purchase. Perhaps also with a confirmation watch or an item found in a drawer.
We usually build on such objects because they usually already have an emotional value for us due to the way in which we acquired them. That's why they will always play a role in our collections. Like the first coin Scrooge McDuck earned.
Once infected with the virus, a second watch is added and soon there will be a third. By now at the latest, however, we should decide what to do next, because the variety is enormous and we can easily get bogged down.
The collection theme
Most people would probably like to buy watches that are as valuable as possible at the lowest possible price.
But what is a valuable watch? Is it the monetary value that counts? Does it have to be a model from a brand with a high recognition value for it to be recognised as valuable by others? Is it the status associated with the brand?
Or is it rather the technically outstanding innovation that makes us interested in a particular watch? Is it the special look that appeals to us, or the rarity of the model?
Can it also be an unknown brand?
Do I want to be able to wear a different watch for every occasion?
Should it be a Swiss watch?
Should the collection be an investment?
Questions upon questions...
We should ask ourselves each of these questions, because every question we can answer helps us to channel our passion for collecting and not get lost in the huge range on offer.
Possible restrictions for our search are, for example
Period of manufacture
Case material
Function (chronograph, automatic, calendar, diver's watch, altimeter, etc.)
Country of manufacture (Germany, Switzerland, Japan, USA, etc.)
Wristwatch / pocket watch / pendulum
and last but not least the price.
All of these criteria help us to thin out the flood of offers that await us. This sometimes makes it more difficult to find a suitable object, but it is all the more fun when we discover one that meets our requirements.
So write down the criteria that are most important to you personally. There is no "right" and no "wrong". You can make adjustments at any time. You can increase or decrease the number of criteria, and you can also sell collector's items that you already own and that no longer fit the scheme. This also needs to be practised.
If you already have a collection, write down one or two criteria for each watch as to why you bought it. This will help you to feel what drives you when collecting.
You are also welcome to send us suggestions for the list of criteria. We will be happy to publish them in our newsletter or on our blog page.
Stay tuned, because soon we will continue with the vintage series part 3...